Friday, Blog Entry 9/2/2022

We have a weekend of some very positive vibes going on as the planet mercury, ruling our current virgo cycle, forms an opposition to jupiter and a trine to mars in his sign of gemini. The moon will also be in sagittarius this weekend, ruled by jupiter and aspecting mars, Jupiter and mercury. This equals a lot of air and fire energy synthesized this weekend, bringing big ideas, inspiration, initiative, passion, drive, clarity and a desire to take action to solve problems or start something new. Universe is blessing our efforts this weekend and working to reignite the creative spark within us. This is great energy for any type of sales, negotiation, mediation or important argument, presentation or public event. Our mind is quick and clear and our communication is articulate and eloquent. Energy this weekend may have us in the mood to seize the day and we may be feeling very lively, passionate, animated, inspired and successful. Self confidence should be running high this weekend. This is a loud, busy, enthusiastic energy. We want to watch a tendency to perhaps get a bit carried away. We also want to watch overstepping boundaries, over sharing and over playing our hand. This is wish fulfillment energy we have present this weekend, but we shouldn’t allow ourselves to act smug, arrogant or self righteous about it.

Universe is assisting us now in making some big plans for our future. While we want to watch getting carried away with things, having big and inspired ideas is a positive thing and this energy is helping us to actually manifest these ideas into reality. We do need to keep in mind, however, that mercury is currently in his retrograde shadow and will be stationing to go retrograde next week. Whatever plans and projects we are developing now will need to be adjusted and revised in someway over the next few weeks. We should look at our current blueprints as the rough drafts that will lay the foundation for what we build going forward. This whole month of September is about helping us to understand what it is we truly want. As we begin this month, we are being filled with the vision of who we want to become. We are being shown our potential, our passion and the possibilities associated with that. This is also a period of karmic rectification and a rebalancing of the scales on an energetic level. Things that have been unjust, unfair and unbalanced are seeking resolution this cycle and the energy of this weekend is very much facilitating that. Jupiter in Aries and the moon in sagittarius are helping us to see the bigger picture this weekend, largely as it pertains to our own personal truth. Mars in gemini is being empowered by this perspective to take some type of action or make a choice or decision. Mercury in libra is about resolution, reconciliation, justice, balance and a harmonization of the various aspects of our psyche. This is all about conflict resolution coming through expanded perspectives and decisive action to resolve things in some way, and with all of this jupiter energy and trine energy, universe is supporting the outcome.


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positive,uplifting, energetics, today, Capricorn, new moon cycle,moon, transiting,  pisces, Jupiter, Neptune,supportive, spiritual energy, faith, optimism, hope,future, energy, empathy, compassion, truth,  Growth, spiritual energy,comfort zones, destiny, Growing, alignment, authenticity, inspired, creative, passion, desire, potent, manifesting, inner vision, create, Capricorn energy, build, form, focus, infusion, creative inspiration, emotional alignment, dreams, facilitator, co-creation,  manifestation, minds, thoughts, wise,  envision, physical form, energetic caution, deception,  information, communication, media, reality, Universe, GRATEFUL, ageofaquarius, jupiterinpisces, 222, saturnsquareuranus, CAPRICORNSEASON, capricorn, sabiansymbols, astrology, horoscopes, uranus, pluto, sun, chiron, venus, mars, earth,